A Device Unter Test (DUT) can be single devices or full circuits and range from atomic TCAD simulations to full circuit simulations and also measurements. This range of different DUTs is represented in DMT as a view on a DUT. The name view is chosen, because sometimes the same device is measured and simulated in different simulators. So this “view-axis” can change, always the same are the DUT properties and also the data handling.
Submodules of DutView
Relation of the Submodules
![digraph "classes_dut" {
"DMT.core.circuit.Circuit" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="Circuit", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.circuit.CircuitElement" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="CircuitElement", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.Hdev.DutHdev" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutHdev", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.DutCircuit" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutCircuit", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.DutMeas" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutMeas", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.ngspice.DutNgspice" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutNgspice", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.DutTcad" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutTcad", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.DutType" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutType", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.dut_type.DutTypeInt" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutTypeInt", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.DutView" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutView", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.xyce.DutXyce" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="DutXyce", shape="record", style="solid"];
"enum.Enum" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="Enum", shape="record", style="solid"];
"enum.Flag" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="Flag", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.MCard" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="MCard", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameterComposition" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="McParameterComposition", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameter" [color="black", fontcolor="black", label="McParameter", shape="record", style="solid"];
"DMT.Hdev.DutHdev" -> "DMT.core.DutTcad" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.DutMeas" -> "DMT.core.DutView" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.DutType" -> "enum.Flag" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.MCard" -> "DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameterComposition" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.ngspice.DutNgspice" -> "DMT.core.DutCircuit" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.xyce.DutXyce" -> "DMT.core.DutCircuit" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.DutCircuit" -> "DMT.core.DutView" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.DutTcad" -> "DMT.core.DutView" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"enum.Flag" -> "enum.Enum" [arrowhead="empty", arrowtail="none"];
"DMT.core.dut_type.DutTypeInt" -> "DMT.core.DutType" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.MCard" -> "DMT.core.circuit.CircuitElement" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="parameters", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameterComposition" -> "DMT.core.circuit.CircuitElement" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="parameters", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameter" -> "DMT.core.mc_parameter.McParameterComposition" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="_paras", style="solid", taillabel="0..*"];
"DMT.core.circuit.CircuitElement" -> "DMT.core.circuit.Circuit" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="netlist", style="solid", taillabel="0..*"];
"DMT.core.DutType" -> "DMT.core.DutView" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="dut_type", style="solid"];
"DMT.core.circuit.Circuit" -> "DMT.core.DutCircuit" [arrowhead="diamond", arrowtail="none", fontcolor="darkgreen", label="_inp_circuit", style="solid"];
DutView class
- class DMT.core.dut_view.DutView(database_dir, name, dut_type, *, reference_node, copy_va_files=True, force=False, loading=False, separate_databases=False, list_copy=None, t_max=None, sim_dir=PosixPath('/root/.DMT/simulation_results'), simulate_on_server=None, simulator_command='', simulator_arguments=None, technology: Technology | None = None, width=None, length=None, nfinger=None, contact_config=None, flavor=None, ac_ports=None, nodes=None, inp_name=None, va_code_filter=None)[source]
DutView is the parent class of all DUTs in DMT.
All simulation back-end classes must inherit from this class and overwrite the methods that raise NotImplemented errors. This ensures that all classes in DMT work independent of the concrete simulation back-end.
- Parameters:
- database_dir
The directory where all the databases of this project are saved. If None, DMT.config.DATA_CONFIG[“directories”][“database”] is used.
- name
The name of the DutView object, which is used as a prefix for saving the database and the pickled object.
- dut_type
Type of the DutView object, represented by a DutType object (basically an Enumeration).
- nodes[
List of names of the nodes of the DutView object. Only nodes that shall be present in the DutView’s database are relevant. They are past in the given order to all df methods which need the small-signal parameters.
- copy_va_files{
- force{
If True, all data found in the duts database are deleted.
- separate_databases{
If True, each simulation is saved in a separate database file and only the needed files are loaded. Usefull for large simulation files, like transient simulations. For small files, the lookup in the hard drive takes to long.
- list_copy[],
List of files or file contents to copy to the simulation directory as additional files.
- t_max
Maximum simulation duration for this dut. This value and the simulation controller value have to be exceeded.
- simulate_on_server{
If not set, the config value is used.
- simulator_command
Command to start the correct circuit simulator
- simulator_arguments
] List of arguments for the simulator command, will be added one by one before the input file.
- technology
- width
Width in m.
- length
Length in m.
- nfinger
Number of parallel emitter fingers
- contact_config
String describing the physical contact config for this device. The possible value depends on the technology, example: ‘CBEBC’.
- inp_name
The name of the input file to be generated.
- database_dir
- Attributes:
- database_dir
The directory where all the databases of this project are saved.
- name
The name of the DutView object, which is used as a prefix for saving the database and the pickled object.
- manager
The DatabaseManager object of the DutView, used to interact with its database.
- sim_folder
Path to the simulation folder
- inp_name
The name of the input file to be generated.
- save_dir
This is the directory were the DutView object will save its object and database.
- dut_dir
This is the directory were the DutView object will create its pickle file. This equals save_dir+’.h5’
- database_dir
This is the directory were the DutView object will create its database. This equals save_dir+’.h5’
- dut_type
Type of the DutView object, represented by a DutType object (basically an Enumeration).
- nodes[
] List of names of the nodes of the DutView object. Only nodes that shall be present in the DutView’s database are relevant. They are past in the given order to all df methods which need the small-signal parameters.
- ac_ports[
] List of ports for AC simulations. At each port mentioned here a AC source is applied. Defaults to the first 2 nodes.
- list_copy[
] List of path or data to save to the simlation folder. If it is a path, the file is copied. If it is data, a file is created.
- database_dir
Start the simulation of this DutView object.
Prepare a simulation folder and run make_input().
Create the correct simulation input file from this Dut_view together with a Sweep object.
Return a unique hash for this Dut without considering the Sweep.
Save this DutView as a pickled .p file to save_dir.
This helper methods helps in the pickling process.
This helper methods helps in the pickling process.
Static class method. Loads a DutView object from a pickle file with full path save_dir.
add_data(df, key, force=True)
Add data into the DutView’s database.
Get the data stored in key from the DutView’s database.
check_existence_sweep(self, sweep)
Returns True if the simulation corresponding to this DutView object in combination with Sweep object sweep has already been run.
Delete the DutView’s database.
Iterate through all keys in the DutView’s database and try to clean the column names according to the internal DMT format.
- add_data(data: DataFrame | Sweep | str | os.Pathlike, key: str | None = None, force: bool = True, validate: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]
Add a measurement or simulation data to the DutView’s data.
- Parameters:
- data
If DataFrame: Directly added to the data using the given key. If str: Full path to the file that shall be added to the database if sweep: Simulated sweep to import.
- key
Key that shall be used in the database to save the data.
- forcebool,
Default=True. If = True, the data is added even if it already exists.
- kwargs
Passed on to read_data in case of str as a data argment.
- data
- check_existence_sweep(sweep: Sweep)[source]
Return true, if the combination dut+sweep has already been simulated.
If self.data is None, the database is loaded first.
- Parameters:
- sweep
Sweep object that can return a hash.
- sweep
- Returns:
- existencebool
Is True if the combination dut+sweep has already been simulated.
- clean_data(fallback=None, **kwargs)[source]
Clean the dataframe columns of the DataFrame objects in this DutMeas objects database.
- Parameters:
- fallback
Is used to update self.nodes_fallback for this special key to clean.
- fallback
- property data[source]
data is a property to ensure loading before usage.
As _data is a dict, the getter is also called before setting. So the separate setter is not necessary. If someone tries to set dut.data an attribute error occurs, but setting dict entries is possible directly.
- delete_sim_results(sweep: Sweep, ignore_errors=False)[source]
Deletes the simulation results of the given sweep.
- classmethod from_json(json_content: Dict, classes_technology: List[Type[Technology]], subclass_kwargs: Dict | None = None) DutView [source]
Static class method. Loads a DutView object from a pickle file with full path save_dir.
- Parameters:
- json_content
Readed dictionary from a saved json DutView.
- classes_technology
]] All possible technologies this loaded DutView can have. One will be choosen according to the serialized technology loaded from the file.
- subclass_args: List = None,
Positional arguments needed
- subclass_kwargs: Dict = None,
- json_content
- Returns:
Loaded object.
- get_data(key: str = 'iv', sweep: Sweep | None = None) DataFrame [source]
Return data stored in the DutView’s data.
One needs to specify either:
key : The data stored under the path key in the dut’s database is returned.
sweep : Get the data from this sweep. If none, key must be a valid key for the database.
sweep+key: Return the data stored as self.get_sweep_key(sweep)+’/’+key from the dut’s database.
- Parameters:
- key
, {‘iv’} The key of the data in the DutView’s database that shall be retrieved.
- sweep
The sweep whose data shall be looked for.
- key
- get_db_dir(name='db') Path [source]
Returns the name for a db, either use ‘db’ for regular behavior or use ‘sweep.get_hash()’ for a db per sweep.
- get_hash()[source]
Return a unique hash for this Dut without (!) considering the Sweep.
- Returns:
- hash
Hash that corresponds to this DUT.
- hash
- get_key_temperature(key)[source]
Function that returns the temperature of a given data key. Overwrite this if the measurements differ from the default DMT naming.
Default naming is:
Single temperature: “Txxx.xxK”
List of temperatures: “T(xxx.xx,yyy.yy,…)K”
Range of temperatures: “T[xxx.xx-sss.ss-yyy.yy]K”, s is the step
- get_sim_folder(sweep: Sweep) Path [source]
Returns the simulation folder of the given sweep
- Parameters:
- sweep
Sweep object that corresponds to the folder.
- sweep
- Returns:
Path to the simulationfolder
- import_output_data(sweep, delete_sim_results=False)[source]
Read the output files that have been produced while simulating sweep and attach them to self.db.
- Parameters:
- sweep
Sweep that has been simulated for the desired output files.
- delete_sim_results{
If True, the simulation folder is deleted after reading.
- sweep
- Raises:
If the Dut is not a simulatable dut.
If the given sweep can not be read.
- info_json(**_kwargs) Dict [source]
Returns a dict with serializeable content for the json file to create.
Add the info about the concrete subclass to create here! See :py:method::DMT.core.dut_meas.DutMeas.info_json() for an example implementation.
- Returns:
serialized dictionary ready to be dumped to json.
- load_db(sweep=None)[source]
Load saved data from the database into the object.
If the complete dictionary is reloaded, here it is set directly to self._data. if separate databases is activated it loads only the given sweep (and it has to be given then!)
- static load_dut(file_dut, classes_technology: List[Type[Technology]] | None = None, classes_dut_view: List[Type[DutView]] | None = None) DutView [source]
Static class method. Loads a DutView object from a pickle file with full path save_dir.
- Parameters:
- file_dut
Path to the json or pickle DutView file that shall be loaded.
- classes_technology
]] All possible technologies this loaded DutView can have. One will be choosen according to the serialized technology loaded from the file.
- classes_dut_view
]] All possible DutViews this loaded DutView can be. One will be choosen according to the serialized dutview class name loaded from the file.
- file_dut
- Returns:
Loaded object.
- make_input(sweep: Sweep)[source]
Joins simulation header with a given Sweep object and returns it.
- Parameters:
- sweep
Sweep specification according to the Sweep class.
- sweep
- make_pbs(sweep)[source]
Create a PBS script for the PBS job system. (See: https://albertsk.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/pbs.pdf)
- prepare_simulation(sweep: Sweep)[source]
Creates a simulation folder, appends the sweep to the structure definition and creates a input file in the simulation folder.
- Parameters:
- sweep
- sweep
- remove_data(key: str)[source]
Remove a measurement or simulation dataframe from the DutView’s data.
- Parameters:
- key
Key that shall be removed from the database.
- key
- save(**kwargs)[source]
Save this DutView as a json file and the also the data into the database on the hard drive. The kwargs are passed on to :py:method::DMT.core.dut_view.DutView.info_json() or the overwritten method.
- save_db(sweep_keys=None, sweeps=None)[source]
Write a database for this dut. If it already exists it is overwritten. Does NOT save all keys starting with ‘_’
- validate_simulation_successful(sweep: Sweep)[source]
Checks if the simulation of the given sweep was successful.
- Parameters:
- sweep
Sweep that has been simulated.
- sweep
- Raises:
If the Dut is not a simulatable dut.
If the simulation output is not valid.
If the sim log file does not exist.