
To use DMT there are two main ways: Docker or install to virtual environment. In this short intro, we will touch both. The two ways have their own advantages and drawbacks:


Virtual environment

Easy install

Complex install

Fixed interfaces only

Own interfaces

Exchange of data between host and guest

No data exchange needed

No debugging

Direct debugging

Of course, for each drawback there is a workaround, but the basic difference stays.

So the recommendation is, if you want to test DMT and see if it suits you, choose docker. But if you want to change the code of DMT or develop more interfaces/modules, then we recommend installing the code in editor mode from your own fork. Somewhere in the middle between these, is the option to install the official pypi release.

Use the docker container

This is quite straight forward:

docker login

Then the example bash script in docker/dmt can be used to execute Python scripts which call DMT.

Installing container dependencies

If you want to install more programs or Python packages into this container, we recommend creating your own container. The Dockerfile would start like this:



Build and tag this file with your own name. Then change the docker/dmt bash script to use the new container accordingly.

Exchange data

Per default, the bash script mounts the local folder into the container under /pwd and hence all data inside the current working path is available there. If you only use local paths (also for the simulation data and reports), the borders between host and guest are transparent. Be aware, that inside the container the user dmt_user (id: 1000, group: 1000) is used. So if you have a different id, change the script accordingly. It may look like this (untested):

chmod a+rw -r . # either here
docker run --rm -ti \
    --env="DISPLAY" \
    --user 1000:1000 \
    --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
    --volume "${PWD}":/pwd \
    --workdir=/pwd \ "python3 $@; chmod a+rw -r ." # or here

Either before or after the run, everyone gets read/write access to the data inside the folder. Depending on your use case, you may restrict the exchange to one direction or special folders.

If you tested and verified/improved the script, please report this to us!

Install the python package

In this short document, we will explain how to install DMT and many of its dependencies, including how to connect them to DMT.

This tutorial is written for Unix-users. Most of the command-line commands given herein have very similar windows equivalents, and we hope that this tutorial is helpful for both Windows and Unix users. DMT can be run both on Windows and Unix (probably also Mac, but we have not tried that, yet). DMT is implemented and tested using Ubuntu. So if you are free to choose your OS and are looking for an easy start, we can recommend using this.

Before you get started with DMT, please note that DMT is a high-level project (in terms of programming level abstraction), meaning that it has many dependencies. At the end of this page, you may find some installation help for the dependency you want to use.

Additionally, DMT is still in development and if you use DMT be careful when updating to new versions. We try to keep everything backwards compatible as much as possible and also breaking changes will be denoted by a new master version, but this major version increase may happen earlier than you like.

So before we get started, please:

  • Make sure you have Python >= 3.8 installed.

  • If run circuit or TCAD simulations, make sure you have one installed on your system which is interfaced by DMT. The Core package offers interfaces to Hdev, Xyce and ngspice. If you need a different simulator, either you have to implement it yourself or contact the DMT team for it.

  • After every update, ensure that your use cases still run as expected. If you have a special use, which is not covered by our current test-environment feel free to suggest your use case to us via an issue. As we are eager to improve the Code, more test cases are always welcome.

Virtual Environment

We strongly recommend to run DMT in a virtual python environment. To install a virtual environment, first go into the DMT project folder

cd $DMT_DIR #replace $DMT_DIR with the DMT project path on your machine

Then, to install a virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv -p python3.10
source venv/bin/activate

We recommend Python 3.10 since this is what most devs are using at the moment. You are nearly done! Now you should have activated your new virtual environment.

Install DMT

To install DMT-core just run in:

python3.10 -m pip install DMT-core[full]

As you can see DMT-core offers some installation variants with different dependencies (indicated by the closed brackets). The variants and their additional dependencies are:


Extra required packages














matplotlib, pysmithplot-3.10


pylint, black


pylatex, pylatexenc


paramiko, scp


All of above except PyQt5

It is possible to choose multiple variants at once. We recommend either the full install or at least:

python3.10 -m pip install DMT-core[develop,HDF5,pyqtgraph,pyside2]

If a newer version is needed, the release candidates can be installed from gitlab directly:

python3.10 -m pip install DMT-core==1.5.0rc3 --extra-index-url

As DMT is a toolkit which you sometimes want to adjust to your needs, you may want to install it using editor mode. For this, your either have to fork the main project or make a branch in the main repo (after contacting the team). Afterwards run (for example)

git clone
git checkout -b your_branch origin/your_branch
pip install -e .

This enables you to change the DMT source code.

Short test

To test the installation, open a terminal and enter:


Then type:

from DMT.core import specifiers
voltage = specifiers.VOLTAGE + 'B' + 'E'

If this works, you have successfully installed DMT. For more tests visit the test cases in the repository and the examples.

If you want to generate high-quality Tikz plots with DMT, you should also make sure that a Tex compiler such as latexmk and corresponding packages (texlive-full on Unix) are available. These are not installed when installing DMT.


DMT is a modular, high-level project, that relies heavily on other python packages. Furthermore some DMT modules interface to other (possibly proprietary) software such as ADS. If you want to use such interfaces, you need:

  • the corresponding DMT module

  • the other software

Using other software may require DMT to be configured for your user and also for your current working directory. DMT has 3 different configuration file locations:

  • the local config the working directory $PWD/DMT_config.yaml,

  • the user config in * %LOCALAPPDATA%\DMT\DMT_config.yaml on Windows or * $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/DMT/DMT_config.yaml on Linux and MacOS with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaulting to ~/.config and

  • the default config in the DMT installation directory (for example: .../venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/DMT/config/

In this last file you can check for the possible configuration options DMT offers and also copy the file altogether if needed. Each DMT module should additionally contain documentation that explains the relevant configuration options.

For example to use ngspice on a Unix system the command is


If this is different on your machine (for example because the ngspice callable is not in your path), you should to change this command for your user or workspace config

    NGSPICE:    ngspice # Command to execute the circuit simulator ngspice.

The configuration in the working directory will overwrite the user configuration on the home directory and the default configuration. This can be usefully if you have different projects on the same user, which need different database directories or custom_specifiers.

More installation details

Further installation and configuration guides for DMT are: