Ib extraction step
Extraction step for the bulk current of the PSP MOSFET compact model.
Extracts the bulk source current parameters for PSP model versus drain potential
Impact Ionization Parameters (VGS positive): * A1 * A2 * A3 * A4 GIDL Parameters (VGS negative): * AGIDL * BGIDL * CGIDL
Direct on the I_B(V_GS) characteristics at fixed V_DS AND fixed V_BS
- class DMT.psp.x_ib.XIb(name, mcard, lib, op_definition, model=None, relevant_duts=None, to_optimize=None, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters:
- name
Name of this XStep in the parameter extraction flow.
- mcard
This MCard needs to hold all relevant parameters of the model and is used for simulations or model equation calculations.
- lib
This library of devices need to hold a relevant internal dut with data in one or more DataFrames as fitting reference.
- op_definition{
} Defines how to filter the given data in the duts by setting either a single value (float), a range (2-element tuple) or a list of values (list) for each variable to filter.
- model
Model object with all model equations used for this extraction step.
- name
- ensure_input_correct_per_dataframe(dataframe, dut=None, key=None)[source]
Search for all required columns in the data frames.
- fit(data_model, paras_model, dut=None)[source]
Calculate the drain current from known node voltages.
- Parameters:
- data_model{‘x’:np.ndarray(), ‘y’:np.ndarray(), ‘y_ref’:np.ndarray(), ‘TEMP’:float}
Content of this dict is defined in the method “init_data_reference_per_dataframe”.
- paras_model
The model parameters for which the drain current “y” should be calculated.
- Returns:
- data_model[{‘x’:np.ndarray(), ‘y’:np.ndarray(), ‘y_ref’:np.ndarray(), ‘TEMP’:float}]
Same dict as input, but “y” now corresponds to the drain current.
- get_description()[source]
Return a tex description of this XStep. Used for generating the documentation. If not implemented, there is no description for this XStep in the documentation.
- get_tex()[source]
Return a tex Representation of the Model that is beeing fitted. This can then be displayed in the UI.
- init_data_reference_per_dataframe(dataframe, t_meas, dut=None, key=None)[source]
Find the reference data for each line in the supplied dataframe or database. Write the data into the data_model attribute of this XStep object.
- main_plot()[source]
Creates the main plot that is also displayed in the GUI and printed to the documentation.
The parameters are not used in the method here, but in the decorator
- Parameters:
- paras_model
If given, it is set to this XStep before plotting.
- calc_all{
} If True, the method
is called before plotting.
- paras_model