.. _dut_lib: DutLib module ======================= Is used to manage measurement data of many devices in a unified way. DutLib offers methods to import many files at once and then save and load them inside the Python/DMT environment efficiently. In order to start the import process the data should be saved in this file structure:: meas/ ├── DeviceA/ │ ├── T1/ │ │ ├── meas_1 │ │ └── meas_2 │ └── T2/ │ ├── meas_1 │ └── meas_2 └── DeviceA/ ├── T1/ │ ├── meas_1 │ └── meas_2 └── T2/ ├── meas_1 └── meas_2 DutLib module code documentation -------------------------------- .. automodule:: DMT.core.dut_lib :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: